Risk Assessment


The Company has set its clear goals in identifying and assessing risks related to the achievement of the organization’s objectives.

1. In respect to compliance of relevant regulations and rules, the Company has conformed to the accounting standard which is approved and suitable for the business in each period of time; all transactions shown in the financial statements have really existed and are complete, demonstrating correctly the rights and obligations of the Company and proper values. The report is correctly and completely disclosed, reflecting its real operational activities. The criteria for financial reporting is based on significant factors such as regulations of the government agencies involved, financial statement user, the extent of transactions and business trend.

The Risk Management committee approves, communicates and acknowledges risk management policy to the executives and the personnel staff who are required to follow so much that this practice is forming part of the organization culture.

2. To meet the organization’s objectives, all types of risks threatening business operations have been identified and analyzed at all levels within the organization from business units to administration section. Such risks analysis is based on various internal and external factors in relation to the Company. Furthermore, likelihood of the risk occurring and its impact, provision of measures and operational plans to mitigate risks to some degree have been analyzed as well. Moreover, the participation in the risk management by the Board of Directors at all levels is embedded in the organization culture.

3. The likelihood of frauds has been taken into consideration; any false entry in the Company’s financial records, loss of assets, corruption, the executives’ performance against the internal control system, information modification on important reports, abused acquisition and exploitation of assets, etc. As a result, the control process is designed and the objectives of operation are carefully reviewed by considering a possibility of the set forth objectives, including logic of incentives and rewards offerings to employees for the purpose of discouraging them from behaving in a dysfunctional manner. However, during the meeting with the executives meeting, the Audit Committee has verified and inquired each year about potentialities of corruption and it’s preventive or corrective actions, including the risk management. Moreover, the Company has ensured that its policies and internal control strategic plans are understood and also applied by the personnel staff in order to prevent or reduce the risks.

4. The Company is able to identify and assess any changes that may have an impact on the internal control process, arising from external factors such as incidence of world economic change, including influence of foreign exchange and interest rates. The responsive measures to such changes have been sufficiently provided.

Furthermore, the responsive measures have been sufficiently provided for the assessment of change in the types of business that may affect business performance, the internal control process and the financial reports related to the Company such as addition of new type of business.

Also, the responsive measures have been sufficiently provided for the assessment of change in the organization’s leader that may have an impact on the internal control process, that is to say; when the leader reaches his or her term.